I have never heard as much drivel as the nonsense Toto and Niki were muttering after Lewis came second in the British Grand Prix. They assumed that the hugely popular Hamilton would win his home race for an unprecedented 6th time. It certainly looked like as they lined up with Lewis in pole position after a stunning qualifying lap. But as we all know qualifying is one thing, Sunday afternoon is a different matter.
As we all witnessed Hamilton got too much wheel spin and before he got going Vettel was already pulling away from second on the grid. Enters a devious plot cooked up in the kitchens of Ristorante Montana-the Scuderia’s favorite watering hole in Maranello. Kimi-said owner Maurizio- you will hit Lewis and put him into a 360 degree spin without damaging your own car.
Piece of cake really. Pathetic in other words and definitely not worthy of three times World Champion and old mate Lauda. I have seen him crash into Clay Regazzoni-his own team mate many years ago and over the years there have been ding-dongs with other drivers as well, that is the nature of the sport. Think Prost and Senna.
As for Toto his problem is that he thinks the Austrian Empire is still around. He really is full of it.
Next time I see him I will point out that his beloved Empire collapsed exactly 100 years ago. Humility is not a word he is familiar with. Posing for the cameras and banging a table or play acting about what is happening on the track is something he should have left behind in kindergarten. Maybe one day.
In the meantime all sorts of fun things are happening here on the West Coast. I have just returned from a talk I gave at the Peterson Museum to the Southwest Region of the Ferrari Club of America. Led by the energetic and enterprising Jim Bindman the members never seem to stop. One day they are off to Edwards AFB in the Mohave desert, next time it is Vanderberg AFB. We had a full house for the event which started with pictures of my children-Nicholas and Annabelle. Nicholas was in the pits at Silverstone carried by Maria Helena Fittipaldi-wife of Emerson while Annabelle is on a police horse at Zandvoort just before the Dutch GP. This gave an indication as to how long we have been associated with motor racing bearing in mind that they will be 47 years old in a few days time. The talk included stories about the very first GP back in 1906, Cannonball ’79 and lots of Ferrari stories of course including my recent trip to the factory and my impressions of the new Portofino. It is very nice and as my regular drive is a normally aspirated California the only bit I was truly jealous of was the repositioned horn. Back in the middle of the steering wheel where it belongs. I am somewhat concerned about the ever-increasing production numbers, hopefully quality will not suffer. I certainly did not enjoy seeing
Lewis Hamilton’s brand new LaFerrari Aperta on the back of a tow-truck outside Nobu, that well-known watering hole of Hollywood celebs in Malibu.

The Portofino I had for a day was just fine, especially as it had company. For the first time in years we’ve persuaded daughter -and ace driver-Annabelle to join us for our annual visit to Modena, Maranello and Sant’Agata. Maserati, Ferrari and Lamborghini-some family trip.
The owners of the restaurant at the top of the legendary Futa Pass came out to greet us just like last year. Wonderful people and huge car enthusiasts.
The Lambo is too much like a bull, bit too raw for me, you really have watch what you are doing.
Especially at 140mph. The Maserati is the sort of very elegant car well to do ladies would drive up to the Monte Carlo Golf Club. White leather, stunning. Don’t get me wrong-it also goes like smoke but I enjoyed driving it slowly on the very narrow roads up to the Club. It is the sort of car in which you can turn up anywhere and nobody will ask for your membership card..
But back in Marin it is all hands on deck to get my second, updated edition of Frankly Frankl
ready for the US Grand Prix in Austin. I will let you know where it will be available and I will of course be on hand to dedicate each and every copy. Price remains the same at 44.95. Print run is the same-499 copies . All sold years ago.
If you would like to reserve a copy without any obligation whatsoever drop me a note at
andrewfrankl@me.com and a dedicated copy will be yours.
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